
What Does the Bible Say About Miscarriage?


Miscarriage is a deeply emotional and sensitive topic that affects many individuals and families worldwide. Find guidance and comfort in the Bible during challenging times like miscarriage. Our blog post delves into what the scriptures say about this topic, debunking misconceptions, and addressing common questions. Discover biblical insights that offer hope and healing in times of loss.

Bible Verses About Miscarriage

The Bible offers insight into various aspects of human life, including childbirth and infertility. One such instance is found in Genesis 25:21-22, where we learn about Rebecca’s struggle with infertility and her eventual conception. Additionally, Exodus 23:26 promises blessings of health and no miscarriages for those who follow God’s commandments. Psalm 127:3 reminds us that children are a gift from the Lord, while Jeremiah 1:5 reveals that God knows us even before we are formed in the womb. However, we must also consider passages like Hosea 9:14, which portray God’s judgment leading to miscarriages, further highlighting the complexities of the topic.

Read More: What does the Bible say about miscarriage?what does the bible say about miscarriage

Is Miscarriage a Punishment from God?

It is essential to address the misconception that miscarriage is a direct punishment from God. The Bible does not explicitly state that miscarriage is a consequence of personal sin or divine retribution. Instead, it emphasizes God’s compassion and understanding during times of suffering. Instances of loss and grief in the Bible, such as Job’s story, illustrate how God’s purpose transcends human understanding, offering comfort and hope amidst adversity.

Healing After a Miscarriage

Healing after a miscarriage is a process that varies for each individual. Understanding the grieving process and acknowledging the pain is vital for emotional recovery. Psalm 34:18 assures us that God is near to the brokenhearted and can be a source of strength during challenging times. Finding solace in faith and relying on a supportive community can aid in coping with the loss. It is essential to remember that healing takes time and that seeking professional help or counseling is not a sign of weakness but a step toward healing.

Read More: Can Tight Pants Cause Miscarriage in Early Pregnancy? 

Understanding Miscarriage in the Bible:

The Bible does not explicitly use the term “miscarriage,” but it does mention situations of prenatal loss. For instance, in Exodus 21:22-25, there is a passage that discusses unintentional harm caused to a pregnant woman, resulting in the loss of her child. This passage reveals the value God places on the unborn and highlights the sanctity of life.

Addressing Misconceptions:

One common misconception is that a miscarried fetus is not considered a human being in the Bible. However, the Bible affirms the value of every human life, including those who die before birth. It is crucial to interpret biblical passages within their historical and cultural context to avoid misinterpretations.

Frequently Asked Questions (FAQ):

  1. What does the Bible say about the sanctity of life? The Bible teaches that all human life is sacred and created in the image of God (Genesis 1:27). This includes unborn children, emphasizing their inherent worth.
  2. Does the Bible consider a miscarried fetus a human being? While the Bible doesn’t specifically address miscarriage, it does acknowledge the existence and value of unborn life.
  3. Is miscarriage a punishment from God? Miscarriage, like any form of suffering or loss, is not necessarily a direct punishment from God. The Bible reminds us that God is compassionate and merciful (Psalm 86:15), and He walks with us through our pain.
  4. How can the Bible provide comfort to those who have experienced miscarriage? The Bible offers verses of comfort, such as Psalm 34:18, which assures us that God is near to the brokenhearted and saves those who are crushed in spirit.
  5. Are there specific prayers or verses for those grieving a miscarriage? While there are no specific verses addressing miscarriage grief, passages like Isaiah 41:10 and Matthew 5:4 provide comfort to those who mourn.
  6. How can the Bible help cope with feelings of guilt and grief after a miscarriage? The Bible reassures us that we can find forgiveness, healing, and comfort in God’s grace and love (1 John 1:9, Psalm 147:3).
  7. Does the Bible offer any guidance on preventing miscarriage or infertility? The Bible does not provide medical advice, but it encourages seeking wisdom and understanding (Proverbs 2:6) and trusting in God’s plan (Proverbs 16:9).

Stories of Miscarriage in the Bible: Several individuals in the Bible experienced prenatal loss, such as Hannah (1 Samuel 1:1-28) and David (2 Samuel 12:15-23). These stories remind us that grief and loss are not uncommon experiences and that even biblical figures faced similar trials.

Coping with Miscarriage in a Biblical Context: The Bible offers the promise of God’s presence and strength during times of grief (Psalm 46:1). Seeking support from a faith community can also provide comfort and understanding.

Compassion and Empathy in the Church: Church communities should approach those who have experienced miscarriage with compassion and empathy. Avoiding judgment and offering a listening ear can make a significant difference in someone’s healing journey.

Final Words:

The Bible does not explicitly answer all our questions about miscarriage, but it provides guidance, comfort, and hope during these challenging times. As we seek solace in our faith, let us remember that God’s love and compassion are always available to those who seek Him.


Miscarriage is a deeply personal and emotional experience that can be challenging to navigate. By turning to the Bible, we can find spiritual guidance and hope amidst grief and loss. May the words and teachings of the Bible offer comfort and strength to all those who have experienced miscarriage or know someone who has. Remember, you are not alone, and God’s love is a source of comfort in times of sorrow.

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